EasyTrader ArtNo 056
延續 Part 1 這次改變想法,將週期調整為 150分K 不要在一開盤就進場來觀察 ,測試結果如下


Oops !績效提升不少喔,讀者有興趣可以再試驗更短週期,說不定能找到更佳的操作週期
,NdayLong(5),NdayShort(5),Type(1) ;
MP = MarketPosition ;
if DAYofMonth(Date) > 14 and DAYofMonth(Date) < 22 and DAYofWeek(Date)= 3 then isBalanceDay = True else isBalanceDay =False ;
if date <> date[1] then TradeDay = DAYofWeek(Date);
{ Long Trade }
if Type = 1 then Begin
if TradeDay = WeekdayL and MP = 0 then Buy next bar at market ;
{ Short Trade }
if Type = 2 then Begin
if TradeDay = WeekdayS and MP = 0 then Sell next bar at market ;
{ Long Trade and Short Trade}
if Type = 3 then Begin
if TradeDay = WeekdayL and MP = 0 then Buy next bar at market ;
if TradeDay = WeekdayS and MP = 0 then Sell next bar at market ;
{ 進場後 N根Bar離場 }
If MP > 0 and BarsSinceEntry = NdayLong then ExitLong next bar at market ;
If MP < 0 and BarsSinceEntry = NdayShort then ExitShort next bar at market ;
{ 停損 / 停損 }
if MP > 0 and Low < EntryPrice*(1-TradeStopLoss) then
ExitLong next bar at EntryPrice*(1-TradeStopLoss) stop ;
if MP > 0 and High > EntryPrice*(1+TradeProfit) then
if MP > 0 and High > EntryPrice*(1+TradeProfit) then
ExitLong next bar at EntryPrice*(1+TradeProfit) stop ;
if MP < 0 and High > EntryPrice*(1+TradeStopLoss) then
if MP < 0 and High > EntryPrice*(1+TradeStopLoss) then
ExitShort next bar at EntryPrice*(1+TradeStopLoss) stop ;
if MP < 0 and Low < EntryPrice*(1-TradeProfit) then
if MP < 0 and Low < EntryPrice*(1-TradeProfit) then