EasyTrader ArtNo 264
inputs: periodL(3),periodS(3), momperiodL(10), momperiodS(10),buylevel(-15), selllevel(15);
vars: MomL(0),MomS(0),RSIGapL(0),RSIGapS(0);
MomL = RSI(close,periodL);
MomS = RSI(close,periodS);
RSIGapL = MomL - MomL[momperiodL] ;
RSIGapS = MomS - MomS[momperiodS] ;
Plot1(RSIGapL,"RSIGL") ;
Plot2(RSIGapS,"RSIGS") ;
Plot3(buylevel,"BL") ;
Plot4(SellLevel,"SL") ;

vars: IsBalanceDay(False),MP(0),PF(0),PL(0);
vars: MomL(0),MomS(0),RSIGapL(0),RSIGapS(0);
MomL = RSI(close,periodL);
MomS = RSI(close,periodS);
RSIGapL = MomL - MomL[momperiodL] ;
RSIGapS = MomS - MomS[momperiodS] ;
Plot1(RSIGapL,"RSIGL") ;
Plot2(RSIGapS,"RSIGS") ;
Plot3(buylevel,"BL") ;
Plot4(SellLevel,"SL") ;

vars: IsBalanceDay(False),MP(0),PF(0),PL(0);
inputs: periodL(3),periodS(3), momperiodL(10), momperiodS(10),buylevel(-15), selllevel(15),HighBar(12),LowBar(15);
vars: MomL(0),MomS(0),RSIGapL(0),RSIGapS(0);
MP = MarketPosition ;
if DAYofMonth(Date) > 14 and DAYofMonth(Date) < 22 and DAYofWeek(Date)= 3 then isBalanceDay = True else isBalanceDay =False ;
PF = AvgPrice*TradeProfit ;
PL = AvgPrice*TradeStopLoss ;
{分別計算多空不同的 RSI動量}
MomL = RSI(close,periodL);
MomS = RSI(close,periodS);
RSIGapL = MomL - MomL[momperiodL] ;
RSIGapS = MomS - MomS[momperiodS] ;
{ 只引用核心的元素邏輯作為進出場參考 }
if MP <> 1 and RSIGapL < BuyLevel then buy next bar at Highest(High,NBarS) stop ;
if MP <> -1 and RSIGapS > SellLevel then sell next bar at Lowest(Low,NBarL) stop;
if ExitType = 1 then SetStopLoss(PL * BigPointValue) ;
if ExitType = 2 then Begin
SetStopLoss(PL * BigPointValue) ;
setProfitTarget(PF * BigPointValue) ;
if ExitType = 3 then Begin
if MP > 0 and BarsSinceEntry = NBarL then ExitLong next bar at Market ;
if MP < 0 and BarsSinceEntry = NBarS then ExitShort next bar at Market ;
if ExitType = 4 then Begin
SetStopLoss(PL * BigPointValue) ;
setProfitTarget(PF * BigPointValue) ;
if MP > 0 and BarsSinceEntry = NBarL then {Sell } ExitLong next bar at Market ;
if MP < 0 and BarsSinceEntry = NBarS then {Buy} ExitShort next bar at Market ;
if IsBalanceDay or date = 1150224 then setExitonClose ;
vars: MomL(0),MomS(0),RSIGapL(0),RSIGapS(0);
MP = MarketPosition ;
if DAYofMonth(Date) > 14 and DAYofMonth(Date) < 22 and DAYofWeek(Date)= 3 then isBalanceDay = True else isBalanceDay =False ;
PF = AvgPrice*TradeProfit ;
PL = AvgPrice*TradeStopLoss ;
{分別計算多空不同的 RSI動量}
MomL = RSI(close,periodL);
MomS = RSI(close,periodS);
RSIGapL = MomL - MomL[momperiodL] ;
RSIGapS = MomS - MomS[momperiodS] ;
{ 只引用核心的元素邏輯作為進出場參考 }
if MP <> 1 and RSIGapL < BuyLevel then buy next bar at Highest(High,NBarS) stop ;
if MP <> -1 and RSIGapS > SellLevel then sell next bar at Lowest(Low,NBarL) stop;
if ExitType = 1 then SetStopLoss(PL * BigPointValue) ;
if ExitType = 2 then Begin
SetStopLoss(PL * BigPointValue) ;
setProfitTarget(PF * BigPointValue) ;
if ExitType = 3 then Begin
if MP > 0 and BarsSinceEntry = NBarL then ExitLong next bar at Market ;
if MP < 0 and BarsSinceEntry = NBarS then ExitShort next bar at Market ;
if ExitType = 4 then Begin
SetStopLoss(PL * BigPointValue) ;
setProfitTarget(PF * BigPointValue) ;
if MP > 0 and BarsSinceEntry = NBarL then {Sell } ExitLong next bar at Market ;
if MP < 0 and BarsSinceEntry = NBarS then {Buy} ExitShort next bar at Market ;
if IsBalanceDay or date = 1150224 then setExitonClose ;
台指期 30 min K 多空留倉 交易週期 2005/2/1~ 2015/1/31 交易成本 1200
加上如意多空網台指期 30 min K 多空留倉 交易週期 2005/2/1~ 2015/1/31 交易成本 1200