2015年9月16日 星期三

開發商品的交易系統 - 基礎篇 [50]

EasyTrader ArtNo 276
資金流量指標,英文全名Money Flow Index,縮寫為MFI,根據成交量來計測市場供需關係和買賣力道,屬於量能反趨向指標。1989年3月由威爾斯·威爾德(Wells Wilder)首次發表MFI指標的用法。MFI指標實際是將相對強弱指標RSI加以修改後,演變而來。RSI以成交價為計算基礎;MFI指標則結合價和量,將其列入綜合考慮的範圍。可以說,MFI指標是成交量的RSI指標;指標的公式只是硬梆梆的計算程式,重要的是他計算式裡的內涵。
在2015年近月STOCKS&COMMODITIES雜誌中 “The Money Flow Oscillator” 文章的作者 Vitali Apirine 再度發表了一個新指標,透過從現有計算方式的改變,重新評估商品價格在市場中的買賣壓力。
inputs: Length(20) ;

Dvs = ( High - Low[1] ) + ( High[1] - Low ) ;
if Dvs <> 0 then MLTP = Round(( ( High - Low[1] ) - ( High[1] - Low ) ) / Dvs,2) ;

MyVol = iff( DataCompression >= 2 , Volume, Ticks ) ;
Dvsv = iff ( MyVol <> 0, MyVol, 0 ) ;

MFV = ( MLTP * MyVol ) ;

if Summation( Dvsv, Length ) <> 0
then MFO = Summation( MFV, Length ) / Summation( Dvsv, Length ) ;

Plot1( MFO, "MFO" ) ;
Plot2( 0, "ZL" ) ;

inputs:LenA(25),LenB(11),ConfirmBarA(5),ConfirmBarB(3),RangeA(70),RangeB(-40),HighBar(7),LowBar(16) ;
vars:UpCounterA(0),DnCounterA(0),UpCounterB(0),DnCounterB(0) ;

MP = MarketPosition ;
if DAYofMonth(Date) > 14 and DAYofMonth(Date) < 22 and DAYofWeek(Date)= 3 then isBalanceDay = True else isBalanceDay =False ;

PF = AvgPrice*TradeProfit ;
PL = AvgPrice*TradeStopLoss ;

{ 計算連續兩根K棒的高低點差距與強度 }
Dvs = ( High - Low[1] ) + ( High[1] - Low ) ;
if Dvs <> 0 then MLTP = Round((( High - Low[1] )-( High[1] - Low ) ) / Dvs,2) ;

MyVol = iff( DataCompression >= 2 , Volume, Ticks ) ;
Dvsv = iff ( MyVol <> 0, MyVol, 0 ) ;

{ 計算資金流量 }
MFV = ( MLTP * MyVol ) ;

if Summation( Dvsv, LenA ) <> 0 then MFOA = Summation( MFV, LenA ) / Summation( Dvsv, LenA ) *100 else MFOA = 0 ;
if Summation( Dvsv, LenB ) <> 0 then MFOB = Summation( MFV, LenB ) / Summation( Dvsv, LenB ) *100 else MFOB = 0 ;

{ 計算多方擺盪指標在零軸上下的次數}
if MFOA > 0 then begin
UpCounterA = UpCounterA + 1 ;
DnCounterA = 0 ;
end else begin
UpCounterA = 0 ;
DnCounterA = DnCounterA + 1 ;
end ;
{ 計算空方擺盪指標在零軸上下的次數}
if MFOB > 0 then begin
UpCounterB = UpCounterB + 1 ;
DnCounterB = 0 ;
end else begin
UpCounterB = 0 ;
DnCounterB = DnCounterB + 1 ;
end ;

{ 穿越零軸次數作多空進出參考-多空相同週期}
if EntryType = 1 then Begin
if MP <> 1 and UpCounterA >= ConfirmBarA then Buy next bar at Market
else if MP <> -1 and DnCounterA >= ConfirmBarA then Sell next bar at Market ;

{ 穿越零軸次數作多空進出參考- 多空不同週期}
if EntryType = 2 then Begin
if MP <> 1 and UpCounterA >= ConfirmBarA then Buy next bar at Highest(High,HighBar) stop ;
if MP <> -1 and UpCounterB >= ConfirmBarB then Sell next bar at Lowest(Low,LowBar) stop ;

{ 穿越超買賣線的次數作多空進出參考}
if EntryType = 3 then Begin
 if MP <> 1 and Countif(MFOA > RangeA,ConfirmBarA) >= ConfirmBarA then Buy next bar at Highest(High,HighBar) stop ;
 if MP <> -1 and Countif(MFOB < RangeB,ConfirmBarB) >= ConfirmBarB then Sell next bar at Lowest(Low,LowBar) stop ;

if ExitType = 1 then SetStopLoss(PL * BigPointValue) ;

if ExitType = 2 then Begin
SetStopLoss(PL * BigPointValue) ;
setProfitTarget(PF * BigPointValue) ;

if ExitType = 3 then Begin
if MP > 0 and BarsSinceEntry = NBarL then ExitLong next bar at Market ;
if MP < 0 and BarsSinceEntry = NBarS then ExitShort next bar at Market ;

if ExitType = 4 then Begin
SetStopLoss(PL * BigPointValue) ;
setProfitTarget(PF * BigPointValue) ;
if MP > 0 and BarsSinceEntry = NBarL then {Sell } ExitLong next bar at Market ;
if MP < 0 and BarsSinceEntry = NBarS then {Buy} ExitShort next bar at Market ;

if IsBalanceDay or date = 1150224 then setExitonClose ;

台指期 15 min K 多空留倉 交易週期 2005/3/31~ 2015/3/31 交易成本 1200

台指期 30 min K 多空留倉 交易週期 2005/3/31~ 2015/3/31 交易成本 1200


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