2013年12月17日 星期二


EasyTrader ArtNo 075
MACD指標又叫指數平滑異同移動平均線,是由查拉爾·阿佩爾(Gerald Apple)所創造的,一種研判股票買賣時機、跟蹤股價運行趨勢的技術分析工具。MACD所考慮的就是,如何把股價運動的方向、速度、加速度更好的表達出來。其中一種求速度變化的思路是:找到兩條均線,例出12日均線和26日均線,明顯的,因為長期均線反應更遲鈍,如果股價加速上漲,12日均線離26日均線的位置就會拉大,反之亦然。我們可以通過求到12日均線和26日均線的差值,來了解速度的變化。在均線的選擇上,我們可以選擇簡單移動均線,即若干天的平均股價,也可以選擇指數移動平均線,即認為近期的股價更重要,賦予近期股價更大的權重,MACD的發明者選擇了後者。要不再求兩條線的差,看看潛藏在其中更深層次的“速度”變化?綜上所述:MACD指標是運用快速(短期)和慢速(長期)指數移動平均線及其聚合與分離的征兆,加以雙重平滑運算。而根據移動平均線原理發展出來的MACD,一則去除了移動平均線頻繁發出假信號的缺陷,二則保留了移動平均線的效果,因此,MACD指標具有均線趨勢性、穩重性、安定性等特點,是用來研判買賣股票的時機,預測股票價格漲跌較好的趨勢技術分析指標 。

inputs:TradeProfit(0.05),TradeStopLoss(0.03),HighBand(40),LowBand(40),UpBand(20),DnBand(20),StepRatio(3) ;

MP = MarketPosition ;
if DAYofMonth(Date) > 14 and DAYofMonth(Date) < 22 and DAYofWeek(Date)= 3 then isBalanceDay = True else isBalanceDay =False ;

PF = AvgPrice*TradeProfit ;
PL = AvgPrice*TradeStopLoss ;

{ 改變均線比例 }
Value1 = IntPortion(FastLen*StepRatio) ;
Value2 = IntPortion(FastLen*StepRatio/3) ;
if Value1 < FastLen then Value1 = FastLen * 2 ;
if Value2 < FastLen then Value2 = FastLen ;

{ 原始參數 12,26,9}
DIF_A = Macd(Close,FastLen,SlowLen)-XAverage(Macd(Close,FastLen,SlowLen),AvgLen) ;
{比例參數 }
DIF_B = Macd(Close,FastLen,Value1)- XAverage(Macd(Close,FastLen,Value1),Value2) ;

Condition1 = DIF_A Cross over HighBand ;
Condition2 = DIF_A Cross under -LowBand ;
Condition3 = DIF_A > UpBand ;
Condition4 = DIF_A < -DnBand ;

Condition5 = DIF_B Cross Over HighBand;
Condition6 = DIF_B Cross Under -LowBand ;
Condition7 = DIF_B > UpBand ;
Condition8 = DIF_B < -DnBand ;

if Type = 1 then Begin
if Condition1 then Sell next Bar at Highest(High,3) stop { Market} ;
if Condition2 then Buy next Bar at Lowest(Low,3) stop {Market} ;
if Type = 2 then Begin
if Condition3 then Buy next Bar at Highest(High,3) stop { Market} ;
if Condition4 then Sell next Bar at Lowest(Low,3) stop {Market} ;
if Type = 3 then Begin
if Condition5 then Buy next Bar at Highest(High,3) stop { Market} ;
if Condition6 then Sell next Bar at Lowest(Low,3) stop {Market};
if Type = 4 then Begin
if Condition7 then Buy next Bar at Highest(High,3) stop { Market} ;
if Condition8 then Sell next Bar at Lowest(Low,3) stop {Market} ;
{ 以下條件加入如意多空網 }
if Type = 5 then Begin
if _MagicQF001(1) = 1 and Condition1 then Sell next Bar at Highest(High,3) stop { Market} ;
if _MagicQF001(1) = -1 and Condition2 then Buy next Bar at Lowest(Low,3) stop {Market} ;
if Type = 6 then Begin
if _MagicQF001(1) = 1 and Condition3 then Buy next Bar at Highest(High,3) stop { Market} ;
if _MagicQF001(1) =-1 and Condition4 then Sell next Bar at Lowest(Low,3) stop {Market} ;
if Type = 7 then Begin
if _MagicQF001(1) =1 and Condition5 then Buy next Bar at Highest(High,3) stop { Market} ;
if _MagicQF001(1) =-1and Condition6 then Sell next Bar at Lowest(Low,3) stop {Market};
if Type = 8 then Begin
if _MagicQF001(1) =1 and Condition7 then Buy next Bar at Highest(High,3) stop { Market} ;
if _MagicQF001(1)=-1 and Condition8 then Sell next Bar at Lowest(Low,3) stop {Market} ;

SetStopLoss(PL * BigPointValue) ;
if IsBalanceDay then SetExitonClose ;

使用 MACD原始參數+柱狀圖高度進出
使用 MACD比例參數+柱狀圖高度進出

使用 MACD原始參數+柱狀圖高度進出再加上如意多空網
使用 MACD比例參數+柱狀圖高度進出再加上如意多空網

